Today I went to PDX and took the English Literature Subject GRE. I was much dismayed to see that almost all of the questions were British Lit pre-1800... egh. This of course is a section of lit that I know almost nothing about. I answered what I could and left some blank since blank spaces don't really count against you. It was three hours of testing that I would have been happier without, and 150 bucks I would rather have spent on --well on just about anything-- but sadly the Subject GRE is needed by most of the schools I'm looking at.
Achievement unlocked – 52 movies
5 years ago
Ooh, no fun -- subject test GRE. But at least you got a trip to Powell's out of the deal.
I took the test today too and was really surprised by the differences in different concentrations. I took two sample tests and there were NOTHING like this test. I felt like all the studying I did was completely misdirected. Based on how I did on the practices tests, I felt great going in and walked out with brain on the floor. What the hell was that? I thought these tests were supposed to be consistent?
Yeh Christopher, I hear that. This test was not at all what I expected.
what will be will be.get that thing at a time.
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